Sakai 21 - Course and Project Sites: How do I navigate within a site?

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Sakai 21 - Course and Project Sites: How do I navigate within a site?


How do I navigate within a site?

It is strongly recommended that you use the site navigation, and not the back and forward buttons in your web browser, to navigate within a site.

Currently selected site.

The currently selected site will appear highlighted in a different color in the site navigation bar.

The Tool Menu.

The Tool Menu is a customizable column along the left side of the screen with links for each available tool (e.g., Announcements, Forums, etc.). The number of links will vary depending on which tools were chosen for a site. Menu colors and icons may also vary depending on the theme or skin chosen for your site. The currently selected tool is highlighted, while the rest of the Tool Menu options are not.

Click the tool's name to go to the corresponding tool.

The Overview page.

Overview on the Tool Menu takes you to the primary landing page for the site you're in. Overview pages can contain a list of recent announcements, recent message or forum discussions, calendar posts, and other selected resources for that specific site.

Resetting a tool.

When you're using a tool, clicking on the tool's name in either the Tool Menu or the content frame takes you back to the first page of that tool and resets the tool to the landing page for the tool.

Full-screen mode.

The Full-screen

Online help.

You can get help by clicking Help in the Tool Menu. You can also get contextual help by clicking the Help link within the tool content frame.

Help in the Tool Menu.

Contextual help for a given tool.

Keywords  sakai21 tool menu   Doc ID115717
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2022-01-12 16:45:51Updated2023-10-09 14:25:16
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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