Sakai 21 - Gradebook: What are the different gradebook scenarios and which one is right for me?

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Sakai 21 - Gradebook: What are the different gradebook scenarios and which one is right for me?


What are the different gradebook scenarios and which one is right for me?

There are many options for setting up your Gradebook in Sakai. Most gradebooks fall into one of the following types. Examples of each scenario are provided to help you determine which setup option is the best match for your course.

Simple Points-Based Gradebook

This type of Gradebook is a simple calculation of total points. The point value for each item is added up and the total points reflect the cumulative student grade for the course.

For more information on this scenario, see the related article How do I set up a simple points-based Gradebook?

Gradebook with Categories for Organization and/or Dropping Grades

This type of Gradebook uses categories to organize items into groups. For example, you might group all of the assignments into one category, all of the quizzes into another category, and so on. Optionally, once categories have been set up, you have the ability to drop the lowest or keep the highest grades within a category.

For more information on this scenario, see the related article How do I set up a Gradebook with categories for organization and/or dropping grades?

Gradebook with Weighted Categories

This type of Gradebook uses categories as well as weighting. For example, you might have an discussion category worth 20% of the grade, an assignments category worth 40% of the grade, and a quizzes category worth 40% of the grade.

For more information on this scenario, see the related article How do I set up a Gradebook with weighted categories?

Keywords    Doc ID115769
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2022-01-12 16:51:48Updated2023-10-09 14:25:41
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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