Sakai 21 - Rubrics: How do I add a rubric to a gradebook item?

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Sakai 21 - Rubrics: How do I add a rubric to a gradebook item?


How do I add a rubric to a gradebook item?

The following steps assume that you want to grade a gradebook item that was added within the Gradebook tool-- as opposed to, for instance, a gradebook item added through the Assignments tool.

Refer to the following articles for related methods for adding rubrics to Sakai activities: How do I add a rubric to an assignment? and How do I add a rubric to an assessment (i.e., test or quiz)?

Go to Gradebook.

Select Gradebook from the Tool Menu in your site.

Add or Edit a Gradebook item.

  1. Select Add Gradebook Item to create a new item.
  2. Or select the down arrow in the column heading for an existing Gradebook item, and then select Edit Item Details.

Note: If the Gradebook item is locked, it is coming from another tool. You will not be able to associate a rubric with locked items, since they must be graded from within the tool of origin.

Configure the rubric options.

  1. Select the Use the following rubric to grade this assignment radio button.
  2. Choose the desired rubric from the drop-down menu.
    • Important: The Point value Value value you enter for this activity and the point value for the rubric you select to grade it should match. The dropdown menu will display the point values in parentheses for each rubric in your site. If no rubric with the desired point value is available in the dropdown menu, save your item, and return to the Rubrics tool to add or edit a rubric with the desired point value. The rubric’s point value is the sum of the max point value for each criterion in the rubric.
    • Note: You must have existing rubrics in your site before they will display in the menu. Publicly shared rubrics must first be copied to your site before they will be available for selection.
  3. (Optional) Preview the selected rubric to make sure that it is the correct one.
  4. (Optional) Check the box for Adjust individual student scores if you would like to be able to change the number of points awarded for individual criteria ratings while grading student submissions on a per-student basis.
  5. (Optional) Check the box for Hide Rubric from student if you do not want students to see the rubric prior to submitting.

Select Create or Save Changes when you have finished setting up the gradebook item.

If adding a new gradebook item, select Create. If editing an existing item, select Save Changes.

Your gradebook item now has a rubric attached.

Gradebook items with rubrics attached will display a rubric icon next to the title of the item.

For details on how to proceed with grading this gradebook item, refer to the article, How do I grade a gradebook item using a rubric?

Keywords    Doc ID115935
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2022-01-12 17:08:45Updated2023-10-09 14:26:41
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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