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Sakai 23 - Assignments: How do I view my assignment feedback?
How do I view my assignment feedback?
Once your instructor has graded your assignment, you can view the feedback on your work in the Assignments tool.
Go to Assignments.

Select the Assignments tool from the Tool Menu in your site.
Click on an assignment.
Click on the title of an assignment to view the feedback about that assignment.
Note: Assignments that display Returned in the Status column have been graded and the feedback released for student viewing.
View assignment feedback.
Your assignment and feedback display to you on the feedback page.
- The title, student name, submission date, grade, and submission history appear at the top.
- Instructions for the assignment from the instructor display to you in the Instructions area.
- Your original inline submission, if you've submitted one, displays to you in Original submission text with the instructor's comments inserted if applicable area. inline feedback from your instructor might also be available here.
- The file that you submitted, if you've submitted on, displays to you in the Submitted Attachments area. You can click the title of the assignment to download it once again for your records.
- If a rubric was used by the instructor to grade the assignment, rubric information displays to you in the rubric details area. Note the selections that the instructor has made. The presence of any comments in the rubric are indicated by solid work balloon icons. Click on a solid word balloon icon to view the comment.
- Instructor feedback, if available, displays to you in the Additional instructor's comments about your submission area.
- If the assignment has a peer review component, comments and scores from your peer reviewers display to you in the Peer Reviews area.