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Sakai 23 - Email Sender: How do I send an email message?


How do I send an email message?

Go to Email Sender.

Email Sender highlighted in the tool menu in the site navigation.

Select the Email tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Choose the message recipients.

1. The All button. 2. The buttons Roles, Sections, Groups.


  1. Select All to send the email to all site participants.
  2. Select Roles, Sections, or Groups to select recipients more granularly.

Choose recipients by role.

Steps for how to select recipients by role.

Select a role. In the example, Student is utilized.

  1. To choose recipients by role, first select Role.
  2. Check the box to set all participants with the role as recipients.
  3. Click the role to open a list of specific participants for selection as recipients.
Some members of a role are selected.

Check the boxes of those that you wish to be recipients.

Choose recipients by section.

Depicted steps for selecting recipients by section.
  1. Select Sections.
  2. Check the box to set all participants within the section as recipients.
  3. Click the section name to open a list of specific participants for selection as recipients.
Particular members of a section selected.

Check the boxes of those that you wish to be recipients.

Choose recipients by group.

Depicted steps for selecting recipients by group.
  1. Select Groups.
  2. Check the box to set all participants within the group or groups as recipients.
  3. Click the group name to open a list of specific participants for selection as recipients.
All group members are selected in this example.

Check the boxes of those that you wish to be recipients.

Include users that are not enrolled in the course.

Link highlighted to Add Other Recipients.

To add recipient email addresses that are not part of the site, click Add Other Recipients.

Example email addressed entered in the Other Recipients text field.

Add recipient email addresses to the Other Recipients field. Separate the email addresses with commas or semicolons.

Enter a subject line.

An example entered in the Subject text field.

Enter your email subject in the Subject field.

Add an attachment. (Optional)

The link for Attach a file is highlighted.

Click Attach a file to browse for and attach a file from your device as part of the email.

Enter the message body text.

An example of email body text. First paragraph: Good afternoon. Second paragraph: As a reminder, your Thesis Defense is scheduled for next week.

Use the Rich Text Editor to compose your message.

Select to receive a copy. (Optional)

The checkbox labeled Send me a copy.

If you would like to be copied on the email message, click the box next to Send me a copy.

Select to add to Email Archive. (Optional)

The checkbox labeled Add to Email Archive, visible to all site participants.

If you would like the email message to be added to the course Email Archive, activate the Add to Email Archive, visible to all site participants checkbox.

Note: This option only appears if the Email Archive tool is active in your site

Append list of recipients. (Optional)

The checkbox labeled Append list of recipients to message.

If you would like recipients to see the users copied on the message, select this option to include the recipient list in the message.

Click Send Mail.

The Send Mail button is highlighted.

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Sean H. in Pacific Lutheran Univ
Pacific Lutheran University