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Sakai 23 - Email Archive: What is the Email Archive tool?


What is the Email Archive tool?

The Email Archive tool allows site managers to specify an alias email address which essentially serves as a listserv for the site. By default, email you send to the site email address is copied to the email addresses of all site participants and owners. However, site members can opt out of receiving these emails. (See the warning below.) All email messages sent to your site's email address are stored in the Email Archive. You can use any email program to send mail to the email address listed at the top of your Email Archive page. The Email Sender tool includes an option for adding messages to the Email Archive.

WARNING: Site members can use Preferences in their Home page to opt out of receiving emails sent through the Email Archive tool. They can also choose how often they want to receive email sent to the site's email address: either separately as it is sent, or in digest mode, with all email messages for the day sent in a single email message. Consider using Announcements or Email Sender for sending emails that all site participants will receive.

Note: You cannot use Email Archive to send mail to particular individuals. To send messages to individual participants or a group, use the Email Sender tool.

Go to Email Archive

Select the Email Archive tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Image of the Email Archive button

Keywords    Doc ID134478
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-01-18 10:49:51Updated2024-08-24 07:28:16
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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