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Sakai 23 - Gradebook: How can I customize my Gradebook display?
How can I customize my Gradebook display?
Gradebook offers the following options for instructors to customize how it displays for them:
- Filtering the list of students
- Grouping by Category
- Showing or hiding items
- Reordering items
- Reordering columns
Note: These display changes do not affect the student view of Gradebook. For information about the student view, see How do students view their grades in the Gradebook?
Go to Gradebook.

Select Gradebook from the Tool Menu of your site.
Filtering the list of students
The Gradebook allows you to filter the student list by section/group or by searching for all or part of a student's name.
Filter by section/group.

Open the Filter by Group menu to select a course section or group filter.
Filter by search criteria.

Enter part or all of a student's name or ID in the Filter students field to display only matching students.
Grouping by Category
Activate Group by Category.

If Categories are present, click Group by Category to group items based on their Category. This does not change how item calculation works.

Items display adjacent to other items in the same Category and are grouped with the Category column.
Showing or hiding items
Use View Columns to temporarily hide items. This does not affect the student experience in Gradebook.
Open View Columns.

Reordering columns
Click Item Order.

Sort the items and update.

- Click the sort buttons to shift items up or down, or drag and drop items with your mouse.
- Click Update Categorized Sort Order.
Note: When viewing items grouped by category, you can only reorder columns within a category. To reorder categories, go to Gradebook > Settings > Categories and Weighting.