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Sakai 23 - Gradebook: How do I view my grades in Gradebook?


How do I view my grades in Gradebook?

Go to Gradebook.

Image of Gradebook button.

Select Gradebook from the Tool Menu of your site.

View your grade report.

Image of the Grade Report for a student with scores and feedback displayed.
  1. Your current calculated course grade is displayed to you in the Course Grade area. Note that not all sites will display this information.
  2. If Gradebook is set up to use Categories, the Category displays to you in the Gradebook Item column, your current percentage grade for the Category displays to you in the Grade column, and the weighting of the Category towards the total course grade displays to you in the Weight column.
  3. Individual Gradebook items display to you in the the Gradebook Item column. Your current grade for the item displays to you in the Grade column, assignment due dates, if available, display in the Due Date column, and comments and feedback from the grader display to you in the Comments column.

Note: While grader comments will appear in the Gradebook for items such as assignments and quizzes, remember that additional instructor feedback and/or graded file attachments may also be available via the Assignments and Tests & Quizzes tools.  

Keywords    Doc ID134526
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-01-18 10:50:54Updated2024-08-24 07:28:17
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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