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Sakai 23 - Lessons: How do I embed a video from my computer on a Lessons page?
How do I embed a video from my computer on a Lessons page?
Important: Before uploading video files to Sakai, please review these Quick Tips for Handling Videos in Sakai.
Instructors can add an embedded video at any point in a Lessons page. The embedded video described here is a video uploaded from the instructor's computer to the Lessons page. (See How do I embed a YouTube video on a Lessons Page? for directions on embedding a YouTube video.)
Go to Lessons.

If you titled your page something other than Lessons, select the title of the page as it appears in your Tool Menu.
Click on Add Content, then select Embed Content on the Page.

From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Embed Content on the Page. This displays the Embed Content dialog box.
Click Choose Files.

Locate and select the video file on your computer.

Click on the file you would like to upload to select it and then click Open.
Click on Edit. (Optional)
This displays the Edit Item dialog box.
Add a description and/or adjust the video pixel size.

Enter the desired Width and Height for your video in number of pixels, and/or enter a description in the Item Description text box. Then, click Update Item to save your changes and return the display to the Lesson Page with the embedded video and description.