How do I add a file from Resources to a Lessons page?
Instructors can upload files or link to existing Resources on a Lessons page.
Go to a desired Lessons page.

Click on the Lessons page title in the Tool Menu to display the page.
Note: The default or blank Lessons page contains text and images that explain the basic functionality of the Lessons tool.
To upload a new file:
Click Add Content, then Add Content Links.

From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Add Content Links.
Click Choose Files.

Locate and select the file to upload, then click Open.

Enter an Item Name and click Save.
The Item Name will be the text displayed as the link to the content. Note that you can choose to add more files and thus create multiple content links before clicking Save.
View file link on page.
This returns the display to the Lessons page with a link to the uploaded file.
Add a description, then click Update Item.

View updated item.
Updating returns the display to the Lessons page with a link to the uploaded file and a description.
Notice item location in Resources.
The file uploaded through the Lessons tool will be stored in the Resources tool. The folder in which the file will be stored depends on the Lessons page to which it was added and that page's location within the Lessons page hierarchy. For instance in the example depicted above, a file was uploaded to the "Week 2" page. The "Week 2" page is a subpage of the top-level "Weekly Contents" page on the tool menu. In Resources, this means that the file will be stored in a folder named "Week 2", which in turn is stored within a folder called "Weekly Contents".
Go to Resources. Click the folder icon next to the folder that corresponds to the top level Lessons page in the page hierarchy. In this example, that folder is Weekly Content. Clicking the folder icon will open the folder's contents.
This reveals the folders for subpages. In this example the Week 2 folder is inside the Weekly Content folder because the Week 2 page is a subpage of the Weekly Content page. Clicking the folder icon open the folder's contents.
The file uploaded to the Week 2 Lessons page is revealed in the corresponding Week 2 folder page in Resources.
To link to an existing file:
Click Add Content, then Add Content Links.

From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Add Content Links.
Select your file.

Click Select existing file from Resources and then Select Resource(s) to choose from your Resources.
Locate the file, then click Select.
Locate the file in Resources that you want to link to, then click the Select link (to the right of the file) to choose that file.
Click Continue.
The file you have selected will appear listed at the top of the screen. If this is the correct file, click Continue.
Enter a reader-friendly title, maybe add a description, then click Update Item.