Sakai 23 - Lessons: How do I require completion of a Lessons page?

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Sakai 23 - Lessons: How do I require completion of a Lessons page?


How do I require completion of a Lessons page?

Instructors can require the completion of one Lessons page or subpage before allowing students to move on to subsequent Lessons pages or subpages in the Lessons hierarchy. That is, instructors can require that all of the required items on one page be completed before students have access to subsequent Lessons pages or subpages.

See How do I require completion of a Lessons item? for directions on requiring an item on a page to be completed. We also recommend instructors note the caveats and constraints in that article. Those same caveats and constraints pertain to the method for requiring pages in the Lessons tool.

Building chains of required and conditionally released pages can be implemented using two general methods illustrated below:

  1. Requiring the completion of top-level pages on the tool menu.

  2. Requiring the completion of subpages within a Lessons page (e.g., the “Week 1”, “Week 2”, etc. subpages on the “Weekly Content” page.

Method 1: Requiring the completion of top-level pages on the tool menu 

This method assumes that you have added the desired top-level Lessons pages on the tool menu. The following example assumes that Lesson 1 is required to be completed before granting access to subsequent lessons: Lesson 2, 3, and 4. Furthermore, Lesson 2 is required to be completed before granting access to subsequent lessons: Lesson 3 and 4. And so on.

Go to the first top-level Lessons page you want to specify as required.

Configure desired items to be required on that page.

Refer to How do I require completion of a Lessons item? for directions on requiring one or more items on a page to be completed.

Click ‘Page Settings’ and configure the page.

Check Require This Page and click Save.

Go to the next page in the sequence to conditionally release.

Configure desired items to be required on that page.

Refer to How do I require completion of a Lessons item? for directions on requiring one or more items on a page to be completed.

Click ‘Page Settings’ and configure the page.

To conditionally release this page only when all preceding required pages are completed, check Don't release page until all prerequisite pages are completed. Also check Require This Page if subsequent pages need to be conditionally released only when this page’s items are complete. When done, click Save.

Repeat the above steps as needed for subsequent top-level Lessons pages.

Once complete, the Lesson 1 page items must be completed before a student can access the Lesson 2 page. If a student clicks on the Week 2 page in the Tool Menu without completing all of the Week 1 Lessons page items, a message is displayed alerting the student that they cannot access the page until all of the Week 1 items are completed. (Instructors can access both top-level Lessons pages.)

Method 2: Requiring the completion of subpages within a Lessons page

This method assumes that on a given Lessons page (e.g., “Weekly Content”) you would like to conditionally release its subpages. The following example assumes that on the “Weekly Content” top-level page, the Week 1 subpage is required to be completed before granting access to subsequent subpages: Week 2, 3, and 4. Furthermore, Week 2 is required to be completed before granting access to subsequent subpages: Week 3 and 4. And so on.

Note: This method is essentially the same as the method for requiring items on a page. When requiring a subpage item to be completed, this means that all required items on the subpage need to be completed for the subpage itself to be deemed complete.

Go to the desired Lessons page containing subpages.

This example assumes a top-level page contains the subpages you want to conditionally release. First, click that page link once on the tool menu to expand its subpages, then click the right arrow that’s revealed to navigate to the top-level page. 

Edit the first subpage page you want to specify as required.

Click Edit for that subpage link.

Click Prerequisites & Requirements to expand that section. Check Require this item and click Save.

Note the ‘required’ indicator.

An asterisk will display to the left of the subpage link, indicating that this subpage is required.

Edit the next subpage page you want to conditionally release.

Click Edit for that subpage link.

Click Prerequisites & Requirements to expand that section. To conditionally release this subpage only when all preceding required subpages are completed, check Don't release item until all prerequisites are completed. Also check Require this item if subsequent subpages need to be conditionally released only when this subpage’s items are complete. When done, click Save.

Note the ‘Has prerequisites’ indicator.

Notice that a subpage link that is conditionally released will display [Has prerequisites] next to that item. Students will see this subpage link and the indicator, but they will not be able click the link to access the subpages contents until all other required items and subpages above this item have been completed.

Repeat the above steps as needed for configuring subsequent subpages.

Navigate to each ‘required’ subpage to specify its required items.

Refer to How do I require completion of a Lessons item? for directions on requiring one or more items on a page to be completed.

Keywords  sakai23 required   Doc ID134560
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-01-18 10:54:47Updated2024-08-24 07:28:36
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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