How do I embed a YouTube video in a text box?
You can embed a YouTube video either with the video's URL or with the embed code.
Embed with YouTube Video URL
Copy the URL.
Copy the YouTube video's URL to your computer's clipboard (CTRL-C for PCs or COMMAND-C for MACs).
Place cursor in textbox, and click YouTube.
Place the cursor in the textbox where you want to embed the video. Typically this is within a new paragraph block. Then, click the YouTube button. This will popup a dialog box.
Paste the URL, adjust size, and click OK.

After pasting the URL, you can optionally change the Width and Height of the player. You can also optionally enter the start time in the Start at (ss or mm:ss or hh:mm:ss) text field for when the video will begin playing. Then click OK.
This returns the text box display to normal editing mode. The embedded YouTube video will display either as a YouTube video or as a box marked "iframe". When the item using the text box is posted or saved, it displays the embedded YouTube video.
NOTE: If you need to edit the YouTube video you've embedded, simply delete the old instance and add a new one per the steps above.
Embed with YouTube Video Embed Code
Click Embed.

This displays the YouTube video embed code and beneath that the settings that can alter the embed code.
Place cursor in textbox, and click YouTube.
Place the cursor in the textbox where you want to embed the video. Typically this is within a new paragraph block. Then, click the YouTube button. This will popup a dialog box.
Paste the embed code, and click OK.

If you want to change the size of the video, look for the height and width values in the embed code and edit them before clicking OK. However, if you want to adjust the size of the video, we recommend that you preserve the original width to height ratio and adjust both width and height values accordingly.
Clicking OK returns the text box display to normal editing mode. The embedded YouTube video will display either as a YouTube video or as a box marked "iframe". When the item using the text box is posted or saved, it displays the embedded YouTube video.
NOTE: If you need to edit the YouTube video you've embedded, you can either change the settings in the embed code or simply delete the old instance and add a new one per the steps above.