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Sakai 23 - Rich-Text Editor (CKEditor): How do I create mathematical equations with LaTeX in a text box?


How do I create mathematical equations with LaTeX in a text box?

Mathematical equations with LaTeX markup can be rendered in Sakai with two general methods: using the Math button of the rich-text editor or using double-dollar-sign syntax.

If desired, LaTeX markup can be generated with the assistance of any number of relevant tools. The following lists a few free online LaTeX builders:

Use the Math Button.

Position your cursor where you want to insert an equation and click the Math button in the editor's toolbar.

Type or paste in the desired LaTeX markup, and click OK.

As depicted above, the equation will display in the editor, unlike using the double-dollar-sign syntax method. The following image depicts how students would see the equation created with the Math button method.

Use double-dollar-sign syntax.

Insert "$$" before and after LaTeX markup to set it apart from the rest of the text. Math equations with this syntax remain editable within the rich-text editor, but they will display as an equation in instructor preview and student views.

Keywords  sakai23   Doc ID134677
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-01-18 10:58:52Updated2024-08-24 07:28:52
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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