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Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I add a rubric to my site?
How do I add a rubric to my site?
Go to the Rubrics tool.

Select the Rubrics tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Click Add Rubric.

Enter a rubric title.

- Enter a title in the Rubric Title field.
- Click Save.
Update the criteria titles.
Update the criteria titles to align with your course. Click the pen icon (Edit Criterion) to begin.

- Enter a title in the Criterion Title field.
- Optionally complete the Criterion Description field.
- Click Save.
Edit the criterion ratings.

Click the pen icon (Edit Rating) to begin.

- Update the Rating Title. This is the performance level, such as "Does not meet expectations," "Meets expectations," "Exceeds expectations", or others as needed for your course.
- Update the Points.
- Optionally, enter the Rating Description.
- Click Save.
To add another rating to a criterion, click the plus icon (Add rating to Content).
Or, copy an existing criterion.
Click the Copy icon [Copy Criterion] to copy an existing criterion.
Tip: Sometimes it is easier to copy an existing criterion and edit the copy, than to add a new one.
Reorder criteria.
Change the order of criteria or individual ratings by clicking on their associated elipsis icon (Drag to reorder) and then dragging to the new location.