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Sakai 23 - Site Info: How do I control site access (e.g., unpublish a published site)?


How do I control site access (e.g., unpublish a published site)?

Published sites are available to all site participants and appear in their site tabs and lists. If the site is unpublished, only instructors/site owners may access it and students will not see the site in their list of sites. Throughout the site instructors will see the Unpublished Site banner and can use the Publish Now button to quickly publish a site without going through Site Info.

Go to Site Info.

Select the Site Info tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Click Manage Access.

Select Scheduled or Manual.

The publishing or unpublishing of a site can be set manually or scheduled to occur at a particular time. 

If manual…

Select Manual. Then choose Published or Unpublished. Click Update to commit.

If scheduled…

Select Scheduled

To schedule a time when an unpublished site will be published, select a date and time for Publish Date/Time. Optionally set an Unpublish Date/Time. Then click Update to commit.

To schedule a time when an published site will be unpublished, note that a date and time must be set for Publish Date/Time. Assuming the site is already published, choose a time in the past. Then set the desired date and time for Unpublish Date/Time. Click Update to commit.

Keywords    Doc ID134736
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-01-18 11:05:46Updated2024-08-24 07:28:53
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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