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Sakai 23 - Site Info: How do I use the Date Manager to adjust dates for all items in the site?


How do I use the Date Manager to adjust dates for multiple items in the site?

The Date Manager allows multiple dates in a course site to be changed in a single, centralized view. This feature can be especially useful after copying content from a prior course site. The Date Manager can revise content originating from the following tools:

  • Announcements
  • Assignments
  • Calendar
  • Discussions
  • Gradebook 
  • Lessons
  • Resources 
  • Sign-up
  • Tests & Quizzes

There are two methods for changing dates in the Date Manager:

  1. Change individual dates within one or more tools.
  2. Add a number of days (for example +90 days) to all dates of one or more tools.

These methods can also be used in tandem.

A note about disabled date fields: The Date Manager may present grayed-out date fields that cannot be edited. These disabled fields represent dates that are irrelevant for that particular content, based on that content’s configuration in the originating tool (e.g., Discussions, Tests & Quizzes, etc.) If revisions to such fields are desired, navigate to the content in the originating tool to enable and revise the desired field/s.

A tip about Calendar content: Calendar events copied from a prior course site might include due dates for Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, etc. that in the prior course site were copied to that site’s Calendar. Before using the Date Manager, you may want to first navigate to Calendar in the current course site to delete events representing old due dates for Assignments, T&Q, etc. Then use the Date Manager to update old dates for events that were created within the Calendar tool. 

Method 1: Change individual dates within one or more tool.

Go to Site Info.

Select the Site Info tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Click the Date Manager tab.

Click to expand each desired section to view the content and dates associated with that tool.

Note: Different tools may have different date options available depending on the individual item settings and capabilities of the tool.

Select the calendar icon next to each date field you would like to modify and enter a new date.

  1. Click to open the date picker.
  2. Select a date
  3. Change the time (if necessary)
  4. Close the date picker.
  5. Click to clear the date (if desired)
  6. Field is disabled due to current settings in the specific tool 
  7. Date is required

Scroll down and click Save Changes to save all of the date changes on the page.

Click Save Changes to confirm the changes to items listed in the confirmation dialog.

A message will display at the top of the page indicating that the dates were updated.

Method 2: Add a number of days to all dates of one or more tools.

Go to Site Info.

Select the Site Info tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Click the Date Manager tab.

To change all dates of one or more tools by specific number of days use the ‘Shift dates by’ control. 

Enter the number of days to be added to dates. To add to all dates for all the tools supported by the Date Manager, click Apply to all dates. To instead add days to only one or more tools, click tool sections to collapse or expand them so that only the desired sections remain expanded, and then click Apply to expanded sections only.

Scroll down and click Save Changes.

Click Save Changes to confirm the changes to items listed in the confirmation dialog.

A message will display at the top of the page indicating that the dates were updated.

Keywords    Doc ID134745
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-01-18 11:06:01Updated2024-08-24 07:29:07
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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