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Sakai 23 - Lessons: How do I navigate through Lessons pages?


How do I navigate through Lessons pages?

How to navigate through Lessons pages

Watch the following video to learn how to effectively navigate through a course site, including Lessons pages such as Course Information and Weekly Content. Additional information about Lessons pages is provided below.

Lessons page types

Top-level Lessons pages are Lessons pages located on the tool menu of the site. Lessons subpages are Lessons pages linked either from top-level pages or from other subpages.

In the Index of Pages, you will see top-level pages without indentation, while subpages are listed beneath each parent page, indented to the right.

Two top-level Lessons pages are depicted in the example above, Course Information and Weekly Content. Beneath Weekly Content are 15 subpages for each week, each indented to the right.

Note: The Lessons tool permits the placement of a unique Lessons page in multiple locations throughout the page hierarchy. For example, a Lessons page could be both a top-level page on the tool menu and a subpage that is referenced in one or more distinct Lessons pages. Bearing this flexibility in mind, we recommend that instructors do not make the Lessons page hierarchy more complex than it needs to be.

Keywordsnavigate how to go find   Doc ID137441
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-05-20 10:18:22Updated2024-08-24 07:28:39
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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