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Sakai 23 - Permissions and Roles: How do I manage permissions for teaching assistants?


How do I manage permissions for teaching assistants?

Teaching assistants by default have limited permissions to affect changes within a Sakai site. This primarily serves as a safeguard for restricting access to student education records, whereby an instructor explicitly grants to a teaching assistant desired permissions on an as-needed basis. The kind of permissions an instructor can grant to a teaching assistant is dependent on the Sakai tool in question. This document provides an overview of relevant tools for which teaching assistant permissions can be granted. If the access your teaching assistant needs is not covered in the explanations and linked documentation below, please email the Sakai support team at for assistance.


By default teaching assistants can view, create and edit Lesson pages. To access the Permissions panel for the Lessons tool for a course or project site, navigate to a top-level page, and select More Tools and then Permissions.


By default, teaching assistants can view, create, and edit files and folders in Resources. Instructors can use the Permissions panel in Resources to revise permissions granted to the Teaching Assistant role.


By default, teaching assistants have permission to view, create, and/or edit assignments per settings in the Permissions panel of the Assignment tool. Instructors can also revoke these and add other permissions through this panel.

To permit a teaching assistant to grade assignments see How do I enable teaching assistants to grade assignments, tests, and quizzes?

Tests & Quizzes

An instructor can give teaching assistants permission to grade Tests & Quizzes, through the method described in the article How do I enable teaching assistants to grade assignments, tests, and quizzes?  To grant teaching assistants permissions to edit or create assessments in Tests and Quizzes, please email the Sakai support team at


To grant teaching assistants Gradebook permissions, refer to the article How do I edit Gradebook permissions?

Other tools

Several additional tools also have Permission panels whereby instructors can modify permissions for teaching assistants. These tools include Announcements, Email Sender, Email Archive, Roster, Calendar, Polls, Chat and Podcasts.

If your teaching assistants need permissions for tools not discussed here, please email the Sakai support team at to inquire about the feasibility for granting access.

Keywordsta permissions   Doc ID137584
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-05-29 16:46:00Updated2024-08-24 07:28:39
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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