Uploading Videos to YouTube

Basic instructions how to upload a video from a computer to YouTube.com.
Video hosting services such as YouTube provide an easy and accessible way to share video recordings. We recommend saving recordings as an mp4 file before uploading to YouTube. Your PLU Google account is connected to YouTube. However, in order to upload videos to YouTube, at least one channel needs to be created for your account first.

To get started and create a YouTube channel:
  1. Navigate to youtube.com.
  2. Look at the account info to the top-right and verify you’re logged in with your PLU Google Account. Login with your ePass if necessary.
  3. Click the account button and select “Your Channel.” 
  4. If a channel hasn’t been setup yet, the channel creation process will automatically begin. Follow the process as necessary until complete.

To upload a video to YouTube:
  1. Navigate to youtube.com and login with your PLU Google Account.
  2. Click the Upload or Create a Video button to the top-right.
  3. Click “Select files to Upload.” 
  4. Locate and select the video file stored on your computer, and click Open. The upload process will begin.
  5. Configure settings as desired:
    • Title: Provide a short, concise title.
    • Description: Add a short description of the video content.
    • Audience: Click the drop-down to the right to select the intended audience. “Unlisted” videos can only be viewed by people with a link, “Private” is for you only, and “Public” is viewable by everyone.
  6. Click “Publish.” When the video is fully processed, it will be accessible with the link provided on the next page.

Sharing Video Links

Video links can be copied from the address bar, located at the top of a browser window, and pasted into Sakai, emails, or direct messages. Others will be able to view "Public" and "Unlisted" video links, but will not be able to view "Private" videos. Public videos uploaded to your account are viewable from your YouTube channel. Unlisted videos are hidden from the channel, but can be accessed from the YouTube Studio dashboard.

To share an Unlisted or Public video uploaded to your account:
  1. Navigate to youtube.com. Look at the account info to the top-right and verify you’re logged in with your PLU Google Account. Login with your ePass if necessary.
  2. Click the account button and select "YouTube Studio" from the pop-up that appears.
  3. Click "Videos" in the navigation menu to the left. 
  4. Locate the video to share and click the Options button, which looks like three stacked dots, to the right of the video image. A pop-up will appear.
  5. Select "Get Sharable Link." The link will be copied to the clipboard, and can be pasted into Sakai, an email, or other locations.

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Keywordsyoutube, upload, video, sharing   Doc ID98643
OwnerJanelle B.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2020-03-10 15:19:08Updated2023-08-04 16:29:48
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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