Sakai 21 - Resources: How do I create a group folder in Resources?

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Sakai 21 - Resources: How do I create a group folder in Resources?


How do I create a group folder in Resources?

Instructors can create group folders in Resources that are only displayed to students assigned to that group. Instructors must first create the site groups. (See How do I create groups?)

Go to Resources.

Image of the Resources button

Select the Resources tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Click Actions, then Create Folders.

To create a group folder, to the right of the root folder, from the Add section of the Actions drop-down menu, select Create Folders.

This displays the Create Folders page.

Enter the folder name and add details.

Enter a name for the folder, then click Add details for this item.

This exposes the folder's detail properties.

Enter item details, then create the folder.

Under Availability and Access, select Display this folder and its contents to selected groups, select the group name, then click Create Folders Now.

View group folder.

This creates a folder that is only displayed to members of the selected group.


  • Instructors and site managers can see and access all group folders.
  • Students that are not members of the group will not have the folder displayed in their Resources.

Keywords    Doc ID115896
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2022-01-12 17:08:44Updated2023-10-09 14:26:40
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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