Wi-Fi - Guest Access
Step1: Connecting to the 'PLU Access' wifi.
MacOS - This can be done by clicking the small wifi icon in the top right corner of the screen and selecting 'PLU Access'.
Windows 10/11 - Click on the Network Icon (Small Globe) in the bottom right corner of the screen. Select 'PLU Access' from the available networks and 'Connect'.
Step 2: Select Guest Registration
Once connected to 'PLU Access' a web page should pop up that gives you various options for registering on the PLU wifi. As a guest you will need to select the 'Guest' option to the bottom right of the page.
If the page does not open automatically, open your web browser and type in 'moat.plu.edu' and follow the instructions above.
Step 3: Select 'Register as a Guest'
Step 4: Enter you name.
Enter your First and Last name in the appropriate boxes and check the 'I agree to the Acceptable Use Policy'.
Step 5: Wait for the device to be registered on the network. This should not take more that a minute or two. If the 'Registering Device' page stays up for longer than this, just disconnect and reconnect to 'PLU Access'.
Need support? Contact helpdesk@plu.edu, (253) 535-7525, or submit a Help Desk ticket. |