Topics Map > Sakai > Sakai 23 Help > Messages

Sakai 23 - Messages: How do I move a message?


How do I move a message?

Move messages to different folders to help stay organized.

Go to Messages.

Select the Messages tool from the Tool Menu in your site.

Open the folder containing the message to be moved.

Select the message.

Select the checkbox associated with the message that you wish to move.

Click Move.

Select the new destination folder for the message.

Image of a list of possible destination folders to which to move the message.

Select the folder where you would like to move the message.

Click Move Messages.

Image of the Move Messages button.

Keywords    Doc ID134589
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-01-18 10:55:37Updated2024-08-24 07:28:37
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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