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Sakai 23 - PostEm: How do instructors view feedback in PostEm?


How do instructors view feedback in PostEm?

Go to PostEm.

Select the PostEm tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Note: The PostEm tool is sometimes named Feedback.

View all participants' feedback.

Click the view link.

In the row of the feedback item you want to view, click the view link.

View all students' feedback.

This displays feedback for all students.

  1. In the Username column, those students who have not checked their feedback are shown in bold and red.
  2. The Last Checked column shows when (if ever) students last checked their feedback.

View an individual participant's feedback.

Click view participant.

In the row of the feedback item you want to view, click the view participant link.

Select the student's username.

Select the student's username from the drop-down menu next to Select a Participant.

View individual student's feedback.

This displays the individual student's feedback for the PostEm item.

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Owned by:
Sean H. in Pacific Lutheran Univ
Pacific Lutheran University