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Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I add a rubric to my site?


How do I add a rubric to my site?

Go to the Rubrics tool.

Image of the rubrics button

Select the Rubrics tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Click Add Rubric.

Enter a rubric title.

  1. Enter a title in the Rubric Title field.
  2. Click Save.

Update the criteria titles.

Update the criteria titles to align with your course. Click the pen icon (Edit Criterion) to begin.


  1. Enter a title in the Criterion Title field.
  2. Optionally complete the Criterion Description field.
  3. Click Save.

Edit the criterion ratings.

Click the pen icon (Edit Rating) to begin.

  1. Update the Rating Title. This is the performance level, such as "Does not meet expectations," "Meets expectations,"  "Exceeds expectations", or others as needed for your course.
  2. Update the Points.
  3. Optionally, enter the Rating Description.
  4. Click Save.

To add another rating to a criterion, click the plus icon (Add rating to Content).

Add new criteria.

Create a new criterion, offering a new set of ratings. Click Add Criterion.

Or, copy an existing criterion.

Click the Copy icon [Copy Criterion] to copy an existing criterion.

Tip: Sometimes it is easier to copy an existing criterion and edit the copy, than to add a new one.

Reorder criteria.

Change the order of criteria or individual ratings by clicking on their associated elipsis icon (Drag to reorder) and then dragging to the new location.

Delete criteria.

Click the remove icon (Remove Content) to delete a criterion.

Click Remove.

Keywords    Doc ID134684
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-01-18 10:58:58Updated2024-08-24 07:28:52
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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