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Sakai 23 - Syllabus: What is the Syllabus tool?


What is the Syllabus tool?

Note: The recommended method at PLU for posting a syllabus in Sakai does not use the Syllabus tool, but rather uses a Lessons page template titled Course Information as described in the Post Course Information and Syllabus section of the Site Setup Tutorial.

The Syllabus tool provides a place in the course site for the instructor to post a syllabus and for students to access the syllabus.

Instructor Options for Posting a Syllabus

File Attachment: Instructors may add a document (ie, .pdf, .docx) as an attachment to the Syllabus tool.  Students may download, open, and print the file at their convenience.  In order to make an edit to a syllabus that is posted using this option, the instructor will need to make the edit to the original document on their computer, remove the attachment and replace it with the edited document.

Webpage from Document: Instructors may create a webpage syllabus from a text document using the Rich Text Editor in the Syllabus tool.  Instructors may copy and paste the text from the document into the Rich Text Editor to create a webpage version of your file.  Students may read the document in the Syllabus tool, and there is also a "print" option to print the syllabus.  Any edits the instructor wants to make to the syllabus can be done directly in the Rich Text Editor.

Multi-Part Syllabus: Instructors can create a multi-part syllabus by adding one syllabus item at a time. This allows the instructor to reorder or remove individual items in the syllabus. The Syllabus tool allows users to bulk add items by number of items or by dates. If the instructor likes to organize the syllabus by weeks or class meetings, this is good option to use.

Point to Webpage: If the instructor has a syllabus posted on a webpage, the instructor may direct the Syllabus tool to that syllabus.

To access this tool, select the Syllabus from the Tool Menu of your site.

Keywords    Doc ID134756
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-01-18 11:06:16Updated2024-08-24 07:29:07
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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