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Sakai 23 - Lessons: More Details about Uploading Content from ZIP File


More Details about Uploading Content from ZIP File

Adding Content from Packages such as Camtasia, Wimba Create, and Articulate

The "Upload Content in ZIP File" dialog allows you to add content from a file. There is specific support for Camtasia, Wimba Create, and Articulate, but any ZIP file containing resources may be uploaded. Content will be uploaded into a folder in Resources. Where possible a link will be added in the Lesson to the content.

In order for us to add a link to the content, we must be able to identify a particular file from the upload that is the "starting point." The code can recognize this for certain common formats, including Camtasia, Wimba Create, and Articulate. For other files, we will use index.html or index.htm if it exists.

In other cases, Lessons will upload the content, but it will not add an item. You may use "Add Content Links" or "Embed Content on Page" with "Choose Existing File" to locate files that were uploaded and add them to your lesson.

Keywordszip web content upload website sakai23   Doc ID137437
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-05-20 09:22:31Updated2024-08-24 07:28:39
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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