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Sakai 23 - Lessons: How do I create visually distinct sections on a Lessons page?


How do I create visually distinct sections on a Lessons page?

Items on a page can be partitioned or grouped into visually distinct sections. By default, every Lessons page has one section which has no background color and no border. Instructors can add one or more section breaks, and then change the appearance of one or more of the resulting sections.

Creating a visually distinct section might be desirable, for instance, in order to call-out an important activity or assignment such as in the example below where a rich-text block with a “Stop and Apply” heading and icon are intended to draw focus on an important assignment linked beneath it.

Go to a desired Lessons page.

Go to Lessons.

Click on the Lessons page title in the Tool Menu to display the page.

Note: The Lesson page must already contain content before adding sections.

Identify where on the page you want to make a visually distinct section.

Add the top horizontal section break, if needed.

Click the + icon for the topmost item to include in your section

Select Add Horizontal Section Break

Note the demarcations for the new horizontal section break.

Add the bottom horizontal section break, if needed.

Click the + icon for the topmost item beneath your desired section.

Select Add Horizontal Section Break

Note the demarcations for the new horizontal section break.

Change the appearance of the desired section.

Click the Section Properties button at the top of the section whose appearance you want to change.

Choose a color scheme and click Save.

Choose a new Section Color Scheme and click Save.

Note that the section now has a visually distinct color scheme.

The student view of the same example is displayed below.

Student view of the visually distinct section.

Keywords    Doc ID137439
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-05-20 10:02:51Updated2024-08-24 07:28:18
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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