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Sakai 23 - Lessons: How do I copy or clone a Lessons page?


How do I copy or clone a Lessons page?

The following steps show how to copy a top-level Lessons page (i.e., a Lessons page on the tool menu). If however you want to copy a Lessons subpage, first create a new subpage, and then copy items from one page to the new subpage.

On any top-level Lessons page, click More Tools, then Add More Pages.

From the More Tools drop-down menu, select the Add More Pages option.

Note: This option in the More Tools drop-down menu appears only on top-level Lessons pages.

Copy the top-level page

In the Add More Pages dialog, set propeties to copy the page.

In the Add More Pages dialog:

  1. Enter a Page Title for the new page.
  2. Check Make new pages copies of the current one.
  3. Click Save.

Note that links to subpages will not be copied to the new page.

Rearrange top-level pages on tool menu (Optional)

Use the Tool Order function in the Site Info tool to rearrange items in the tool menu as desired.

Keywordscopy clone page lessons content   Doc ID137494
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-05-22 15:38:19Updated2024-08-24 07:28:18
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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