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Sakai 23 - Tests & Quizzes: How do I correct a published assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?


How do I correct a published assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?

You can make corrections to published assessments to change a question’s point value or to amend the actual correct answer to a question. If the published assessment’s available date has not yet expired-- meaning that no students have yet taken it-- you can remove the published assessment, correct its corresponding Draft copy, and then publish it again. However, if students have already begun taking the assessment, the following steps indicate when and how to make corrections to the published assessment. 

Warning: If the published assessment is Active, do not edit it until after its due date has expired, and all students, including those granted exceptions, have submitted the assessment for a grade. Editing a published assessment requires that it be retracted, making it unavailable to students until the assessment is republished. Retracting an active assessment would cause a sudden disruption without any warnings for students actively taking the assessment.

Note: For any corrections made to the published copy of the assessment, you may also want to edit its corresponding draft copy if you intend for the assessment to be imported to future course sites.

Edit the published copy.

In the Tests & Quizzes tool, select Actions and then Edit for the published assessment you want to correct.

Select Edit action for a published assessment.

Retract the assessment.

Click Edit when presented with a retraction warning.

Retraction warning when editing published assessment.

Make correction(s) to the assessment:

Click the following sections to expand their content.

Correct a question's point value

As needed, correct the point value of questions by entering the intended value(s) next to the question(s).

Update assessment question point value.

To save these changes click Update Points at the bottom of the page.

Save change to assessment question point value by clicking Update Points.

Correct a question's answer

To change the designated correct answer for a question, click the Edit link by the question. 

Choose a new correct answer and click Save at the bottom of the page

Select a different answer on a multiple choice question while editing a published assessment.

Finalize the changes by republishing / regrading.

After making corrections to questions and point values as needed, go to the bottom of the assessment and click Regrade and Republish. This will automatically recompute the submission scores to reflect the changes that have been made to questions.

Then, finalize the corrections by clicking Republish & Regrade on the confirmation prompt that follows.

Keywords    Doc ID137762
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-06-06 10:26:03Updated2024-08-24 07:29:10
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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