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Sakai 23 - Tests & Quizzes: How do I view a student’s test or quiz that is 'In Progress' after the due date?


How do I view a student's test or quiz that is 'In Progress' after the due date?

If a student begins an assessment but fails to submit it prior to the Due Date (or if set, the Late Submission Deadline date), it will be in an In Progress status and inaccessible for grading.

How to prevent In Progress assessments.

To proactively prevent In Progress assessments, respond Yes to the Is it Timed? prompt, and use the Time Limit setting. For assessments that you intend to be timed, use the Time Limit setting instead of approximating a time limit with the Available Date and Due Date. The Time Limit setting causes the student's assessment to automatically submit when either the time limit or the due date expires, whichever occurs first. We recommend setting a time limit that is significantly shorter than the time period between the Available Date and Due Date.

For example, this assessment has a 90 minute time limit and is available for 2 hours.

Tests & Quizzes availability section showing the set a time limit control

Note: Assessments configured with Time Limit cannot be reopened/resumed via an exception , i.e., once submitted there is no way to later resume the assessment where the student left off.

How to resolve an In Progress assessment.

To resolve an In Progress assessment so that a grade can be accessed by instructors in Sakai, consider the following three options.

Option 1: Apply an exception to allow the student to finish and submit the assessment

To grant the student additional time to finish and submit the assessment, refer to How do I use an exception to reopen a test or quiz for one or more students after its due date?

Option 2: Apply an exception to have the student submit assessment as-is without finishing additional questions

Arrange with the student to submit the assessment after you have opened an exception for them as described above in option 1. You might then request the student navigate to the last question of the assessment and submit the assessment without answering additional questions. This could be done within a Zoom meeting with screen sharing or in person during office hours to ensure academic integrity.

For most assessments the student could use the Question Progress control, click the last question circle, then click Submit for Grading and again click Submit for Grading on the warning page that follows.

Assessment submission confirmation prompt

Option 3: Request help from the Sakai support team

If the above options are not feasible, you can email to request the Sakai support team retrieve the student's answer data and provide it to you. You would then need to manually sum the points earned on auto-graded questions adding them to your grading of any short answer or essay questions. The single summed score could then be entered into the Test & Quizzes tool as a grading adjustment. 

Note: As a side effect of option 3 above, no assessment feedback will be accessible to the student, because no assessment submission was completed by the student. This means that the student will not be able to see individual question scores or other such feedback in Sakai that you may have configured to reveal to students (e.g. after the assessment's due date) in the assessment's feedback settings.

Keywords    Doc ID137770
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-06-06 13:37:02Updated2024-08-24 07:29:10
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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