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Sakai 23 Attendance - How do I import attendance records?


How do I import attendance records?

Import attendance records by uploading an edited Excel file. However, new Attendance items cannot be added through Excel. Any dates for which you wish to record Attendance in Excel must be created in the Attendance tool in advance.

Note: The standard course content copying process (i.e., Site Info > Import from Site) does not support the copying of attendance records administered through the Attendance tool.

To import the Attendance records from an .xls (Excel) file:

  1. In your site's tool menu, click Attendance.

  2. Click on the Import/Export tab.

  3. In the Import section, click the Browse or Choose File button to open your file explorer.

  4. Browse to where the file is stored on your computer.

  5. Select the file to open it and click on Open.

  6. Click the Import Attendance Sheet button.

  7. You will be taken to a preview page that identifies the changes to your Attendance records.

    • You will see a column, Old Status, that informs you of what the record currently is.

    • The New Status column informs you what the record will be updated to after the import is completed.

    • Ensure the changes look correct to you, then press Cancel to cancel the changes or Complete Import to complete the import process.

If you select Complete Import, you will be returned to the main page of the Attendance tool. You will see a green confirmation message informing you that the import process has completed successfully.

Keywords    Doc ID137843
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-06-11 14:25:14Updated2024-08-24 07:29:25
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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