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Sakai 23 - Getting Started Guides and Tutorials: Sakai Tool Descriptions


Sakai Tool Descriptions

Names and brief descriptions for each tool that can be added to a Sakai site are listed below.

  • Announcements - For posting current, time-critical information
  • Assignments - For posting, submitting and grading assignment(s) online
  • Attendance - A simple tool to track student attendance.
  • Calendar - For posting and viewing deadlines, events, etc.
  • Chat Room - For real-time conversations in written form
  • Discussions - Display forums and topics of a particular site
  • Drop Box - For private file sharing between instructor and student
  • Email Archive - For viewing email sent to the site
  • Email Sender - Send email to select participants in your site.
  • External Tool - Launch external tools using IMS Learning Tools Interoperability.
  • Gradebook - Compute, store, and export grades; release to students for review
  • Lessons - For creating content modules and sequences; can be organized by week or unit
  • Messages - Display messages to/from users of a particular site
  • News - For viewing content from RSS News Feeds
  • Overview - For viewing description of the site. May include recent announcements, discussion, and chat items.
  • Podcasts - For managing individual podcast and podcast feed information
  • Polls - For anonymous polls or voting
  • PostEm - For posting individualized text to each user in the site
  • Resources - For posting documents, URLs to other websites, etc.
  • Roster - For viewing the site participants list
  • Rubrics - For creating and managing grading rubrics for use in the Gradebook and in individual assessment tools
  • Section Info - For managing sections within a site
  • Sign-up - For enabling online registration for meetings and other events
  • Site Info - For showing worksite information and site participants
  • Statistics - For showing site statistics by user, event or resource of the site
  • Syllabus - For posting a summary outline and/or requirements for a site
  • Tests & Quizzes - For creating and taking online tests and quizzes
  • Web Content - For accessing internal resources or an external website within the site.
  • Wiki - For collaborative editing of pages and content
  • Zoom Meetings - For scheduling, joining, and managing Zoom web conference meetings for a course or project in Sakai.

Keywordssakai tools what are   Doc ID137904
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-06-12 16:42:11Updated2024-08-24 07:28:19
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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