Results: 221-240 of 544

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
221Sakai 23 - Section Info: How are sections different than groups?1347032024-08-24115
222Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I create a section?1347042024-08-24121
223Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I edit a section?1347052024-08-24107
224Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I delete a section?1347062024-08-24114
225Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I add site members to a section?1347072024-08-24105
226Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I add teaching assistants to a section?1347082024-08-24118
227Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I view student memberships?1347092024-08-24105
228Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I add a rubric to an assessment (i.e., test or quiz)?1346942024-08-24141
229Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I make a link to a Resources item appear in the Tool Menu?1346502024-08-24104
230Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I view the Resources quota?1346552024-08-24111
231Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I obtain the URL for a file or folder in Resources?1346492024-08-24115
232Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I notify site participants that content has been added to Resources?1346482024-08-24113
233Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I restore a removed file or folder in Resources?1346462024-08-24130
234Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I remove a file or folder in Resources?1346452024-08-24118
235Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I make an item available only at a specific time?1346442024-08-24116
236Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I unhide files or folders?1346432024-08-24118
237Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I navigate the Resources tool?1346272024-08-24125
238Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I upload files to Resources?1346292024-08-24133
239Sakai 23 - Resources: How do I upload and unpack a zip file to a Resources folder?1346302024-08-24121
240Sakai 23 - Resources: What is the Resources tool?1346262024-08-24122
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