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Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I set up a course site for a course I am co-teaching with other instructors?


How do I set up a course site for a course I am co-teaching with other instructors?

1. Create a site through the Request Course form.

Instructors can request course sites through the Request Course form. One instructor among all the co-instructors should be designated to proceed to the Request Course form to "Create a site with one or more CRNs", where CRN means a 5-digit Course Reference Number. For the pertinent CRNs for the which the designated instructor is the "instructor of record" in Banner, the instructor can add those CRNs when requesting the course. The remaining CRNs will be added in either step 2a or 2b below.

Through the Request Course form, the instructor who submits this form will also enter the site title, select which course site template to use, and make other choices as illustrated in the Request Course Site section of the Site Setup Tutorial. Instructors teaching this course might want to consult and coordinate with one another to work through these preferences, or designate one instructor to make these decisions.

After the course site has been created, instructors can opt to proceed one of two ways. If there are just two or three instructors total, proceeding with step 2a below is one approach that can be accomplished without depending on members of the Sakai Support Team to intercede. Otherwise, proceed to step 2b.

2a. Coordinate among instructors to add other CRNs.

This method works best if the total number of instructors co-teaching a course does not exceed three. Otherwise, skip to step 2b below.

The instructor who had completed step 1 above can then manually add the other instructors to the requested course site, but they must be added in the Instructor role. Next, the instructor would notify the other instructors regarding the title of the course site to which they have been added. Each of those instructors can then proceed to the Request Course form and select to "Add CRNs to an existing site". During this process they would select the course site to which they have just been added in the Instructor role, and they would select the pertinent CRNs to add to this site. Completing this action will add the student enrollments that correspond to that CRN from Banner and also automatically email the other instructors in the site that this action was performed.

2b. Email the Sakai Support Team to add CRNs to a course site.

As an alternative to step 2a above, you can email a request to the Sakai Support Team at to add CRNs to the course site created in step 1 above. In your request please include the exact title of the course site, the academic term for that site, and which CRNs to add to the site. A member of the Sakai Support Team will then fulfill this request, and notify you through the helpdesk ticketing system when that step has been implemented.

Note: Instructors using a shared Sakai course site may also want to make use of the CRNs in the Sakai site which are represented as groups. For more details, refer to the articles, How do I manage multiple course reference numbers (CRNs) with one course site? and What are group-aware tools?

Keywordscourse site   Doc ID137315
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-05-14 09:50:07Updated2024-08-24 07:28:00
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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