Course Sites & Navigation :: Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation

Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation

Index of help topics for course sites & navigation.

Student Guide

Instructor Guide

Results: 1-20 of 23

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I reorder pinned sites in the site navigation?1373232025-01-14193
2Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: Where is my Sakai course?1373142024-08-26273
3Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I navigate Sakai with a mobile phone?1379182024-08-24161
4Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I create a new course or project site?1344522024-08-24209
5Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: What templates are available for creating new Sakai course sites?1373212024-08-24329
6Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation1349372024-08-24318
7Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I manage multiple course reference numbers (CRNs) with one course site?1373182024-08-24246
8Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: What items in Sakai have a stable URL that I can link to?1373172024-08-24145
9Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I set up a course site for a course I am co-teaching with other instructors?1373152024-08-24186
10Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I navigate within a site?1344882024-08-24139
11Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I view and navigate to all of my sites?1344962024-08-24115
12Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I publish my course or project site?1373162024-08-24118
13Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I create a direct link to a tool?1345022024-08-24118
14Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I view a site as a Teaching Assistant or Student?1344542024-08-24127
15Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How can I check if my site is published?1344512024-08-24120
16Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I return to a tool's main page?1344892024-08-24138
17Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I navigate to my pinned sites?1344912024-08-24112
18Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I pin or unpin sites?1344902024-08-24166
19Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I navigate to my recently-visited sites?1344922024-08-24113
20Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I use Help from the site header?1344952024-08-24124
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