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Sakai 23 - Assignments: How do I provide student feedback with Turnitin Feedback Studio?


How do I provide student feedback with Turnitin Feedback Studio?

Grading Tools in Turnitin Feedback Studio

Turnitin Feedback Studio provides grading tools that instructors can use on student assignments submitted through Sakai Assignments. These grading tools for assignments that use Turnitin include commenting toolsQuickMarks, and rubrics and grading forms.

An interactive tutorial for how to use the grading tools in Feedback Studio is available by navigating to the Feedback Studio Demo. More details for how instructors can use these grading tools are available in the following Turnitin help documents.

To use Turnitin Feedback Studio, instructors must create an assignment in the Assignments tool and configure it to use Turnitin per the steps described in How do I use Turnitin?, Also the instructor would need to (eventually) configure the assignment to "Allow students to view report" in order for students to see the grading feedback that the instructor provides in Feedback Studio.

You might also want to review with your students instructions for how they can access and interpret the feedback you provide in Feedback Studio. Some rudimentary instructions are described in the Sakai help document, How do I view instructor feedback through Turnitin Studio? That document in turn refers to the following Turnitin help documents for students:

However, note that there are some constraints in using the grading tools in Feedback Studio with Sakai Assignments, details and steps for working around these are described below.

Mind the Gaps between Feedback Studio & Assignments

The integration of grading data between Turnitin Feedback Studio and Sakai Assignments is not seamless. Instructors should note three extant gaps between these two systems in order to work around them.

1. Grade point entry in Feedback Studio is not tied to Sakai.

Point values that an instructor enters in Feedback Studio for student assignments will not be automatically reflected in Sakai. Such points would need to be manually entered in the Assignments tool (or Gradebook, depending on how the instructor configured the assignment in Sakai).

Conversely Feedback Studio is not aware of the maximum point value asserted for an assignment in Sakai. Grademark uses a maximum default point value of zero.

2. Feedback Studio reports are made available to students immediately.

Regardless of whether or not grades for an assignment in the Assignments tool have been released, the Feedback Studio report will become available to students immediately after Turnitin has processed the report and returned it to Sakai. This assumes, of course, that the assignment is set to 'Allow students to view report'. (See How do I use Turnitin?)

However, assuming the due date for the assignment has not yet expired, only the Similarity layer of data in the report will be available to students. Once the due date expires, any feedback the instructor has provided in the (online) Grading layer of the report will also be displayed to students. (Note that changing the due date for the assignment in Sakai will not alter when Grading feedback is displayed in the report to students; Turnitin acknowledges only the original due date that was set during the creation of the assignment.) 

Instructors who prefer to release Feedback Studio reports to students at a more controllable time can do so with the following steps:

  1. When initially creating the assignment, leave unchecked 'Allow students to view report'.
  2. After the due date and after grading all the assignments in Feedback Studio, edit the assignment and check 'Allow students to view the report'. After clicking 'Post', you will likely receive an alert message, "Alert: Assignment due date set to be in the past. Please make a correction or click on the original button again to proceed." Ignore the alert, and click 'Post' again to apply the edit. This step will make the Feedback Studio report available to students.
  3. If you had entered grade values in the Assignments tool, release the grades to the students.

3. Turnitin reports submitted by instructors on behalf of students cannot be accessed by students.

Submitting an assignment on behalf of a student will prevent the student from directly accessing a Turnitin report, if intended by the instructor. If the instructor wants to share the Feedback Studio report with the student, the instructor would first manually download the Feedback Studio report by clicking the Download button (depicted below) and select Current View. Then the instructor could distribute the downloaded PDF to the student as an attachment via grading feedback in the Assignments tool.

Keywordsgrade turnitin grademark feedback studio   Doc ID137572
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-05-29 09:58:06Updated2024-08-24 07:28:01
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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