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Sakai 23 - Zoom Meetings: How long may cloud recordings be available?


How long may cloud recordings be available?

Note: For guidance on class recordings with respect to FERPA and Washington state law, please refer to the article, Web Conferencing: FERPA & Privacy.

Cloud recordings are stored on a limited resource shared by the entire university. To help prevent filling the capacity of this shared storage space, which would incur a disruption to the cloud recording service for all upcoming meetings, each recording may be retained up to only 120 days.* After this time, the recording will be deleted automatically.

Note that due to the nature of this shared, finite storage capacity, cloud recordings cannot be guaranteed as storage availability is dependent on the extent and intensity of the usage of cloud recordings across the university.

While a cloud recording is still available, students and instructors can download them to preserve the recording. Also, instructors may instead opt to make local recordings available to students through other means to be retained indefinitely, if desired.

* The duration for retaining cloud recordings is subject to revision by Information & Technology Services as usage of this shared storage evolves.

Keywords    Doc ID137877
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-06-12 11:33:49Updated2024-08-24 07:29:25
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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