Office 365 - Student/Teacher Signup

This document shows how to sign up for a free version of Office 365 through PLU.
Office 365 for education allows anyone with a PLU email to gain access to Microsoft products online and on their computer for no cost to them.

Navigate to Office 365 Signup or PLU Office 365

Enter your PLU email address (see screenshot below): 

Office 365 Main Page

After clicking on Get Started you will be asked to click if they are a student or a teacher and they should choose the appropriate one (screenshot below): 

Student or Teacher?

Once the correct choice is selected you will asked to enter your information and the verification code that was sent to the email address you entered (screenshot below):

Create Your Account

It will ask you to invite friends but this can be skipped. The skip button is small and blue.

You will then be auto-directed to the web page below. This web page will allow you to use the online Microsoft Products and download them onto your computer.

Install Software

*The license can take up to 48 hours to become active on your account which will allow you to download and install software 

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Keywordsoffice 365 signup Student Teacher Free   Doc ID82816
OwnerLee T.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2018-06-11 13:14:30Updated2021-10-22 12:16:13
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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