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Sakai 23 - Assignments: What Microsoft Word content can be previewed in the new grading interface?


What Microsoft Word content can be previewed in the new grading interface?

The document previewer in the Assignments new grading interface can preview basic content in Microsoft Word documents, such as plain text, hyperlinks, formatted headings (e.g., Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.), boldface, italics, and embedded images. However, the document previewer ignores pagination from the document, and it does not display any other kinds of text formatting from Word (e.g., line spacing, font types, font sizes, or colors) or other content created in Word like tables, charts, shapes, etc. A table below summarizes the kinds of MS Word content and formatting the document previewer can and cannot display.

If you would like to check for MS Word content that the student may have included in the submitted document, click the linked filename (listed to the right of Viewing:) at the top of the document previewer. This will download the MS Word file for viewing offline outside Sakai. 

Microsoft Word Content Displayed in Document Previewer

Content or Format Type

Display in preview?

Plain text




Headings (formatted with Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.)






Embedded images


Underlined text

No, unless the text is a hyperlink, underlines will be removed. 


No, the document’s content will display within a single continuous panel.

Font types, sizes, and colors

No, this formatting will be removed, and the text will display as plain text.

Line spacing (e.g., double-spacing)

No, the text will display using a uniform line spacing similar to 1.15 in MS Word.


No, only the text within the table will display and in most cases not within a tabular format. No borders or cell shading in the table will display.


No, charts will not display.


No, shapes will not display.

Keywordsword preview grade grading preview sakai23   Doc ID137520
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-05-24 11:40:18Updated2024-08-24 07:28:01
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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