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Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I navigate Sakai with a mobile phone?
How do I navigate Sakai with a mobile phone?
The layout of Sakai is responsive. When Sakai is displayed on a mobile phone, its user interface adapts to fit the device. The images below depict the difference between the Mobile Phone Layout and the Desktop Layout.
Warning: Using a phone or other mobile device to navigate Sakai is, as a rule, best used for browsing content. Otherwise, if you want to make significant edits to content in Sakai, or submit an assignment, post to a forum, or take a quiz or test, you will most likely have a more controlled and less accident-prone experience if you perform those tasks on a desktop or laptop computer.
Note: "View site as" is a feature available only to instructors and site maintainers for a particular site.