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Sakai 23 - Tests & Quizzes: How do I create a calculated question?


How do I create a calculated question?

This allows for a calculated question to be added to a new or existing assessment. A calculated question calculates new answers for every test, based on variables whose value changes each time. The answer is based on a formula, using those variables.

Note: The calculated question type is an experimental or beta release feature. This is why it’s displayed as “Calculated Question (BETA)”.

Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu of your course.

Select an assessment.

Questions may be added to any assessment. Select an existing assessment or create a new one.

Note: You may also add a question directly to a question pool.

Create a New Assessment.

Click Add.

For more information on creating new assessments, see How do I create an assessment?

Or edit an existing assessment.

Select Calculated Question from drop-down menu.

After selecting “Calculated Question (BETA)” from the drop-down menu, the program will open options for the question.

Set the point value for the question.

Enter the point value for this question. Questions may be worth any point value you choose.

Tip: Keep in mind that the point value of all the questions in the assessment will equal the point value of the assessment in the Gradebook. So if you want your assessment to be worth a total of 100 points, you should assign point values to your questions accordingly.

Display points?

If you want students to see the point value as they are taking the test, leave the default setting of Yes. If you prefer that students do not see the point value for the question, select No.

Extra Credit. (Optional)

Selecting this option lets you mark a question as extra credit. This means that the points awarded for this question are not counted as part of the "total points" for the assessment and there are no points deducted for skipping this question or answering incorrectly. However, users answering correctly will receive the question point value added on top of their total points earned in the assessment.

Add Question Text.

Type the Question Text into the text box provided. This is the information that the student will see, including the variable and formula placeholders (see examples below).

Variables: Define variables to use in this question below. Reference them in the question text by putting them in single curly braces (e.g., {x}). Variable names are alpha-numeric but must begin with an alpha character.

Example: Kevin has {x} apples. Jane eats {y}. How many does Kevin have now? {{z}}

Formulas: Place double curly braces (e.g., {{y}}) around a formula name to define where the student's input box will display. Formula names are alpha-numeric but must begin with an alpha character.

Example question text: Solve: COS({a}) * ({c} - {b}) = {{z}}

For the example above, formula z would be COS({a}) * ({c}-{b})

Keep in mind the following:

  • You may define acceptable tolerance as a constant (0.01) or percentage (1.5%) of the answer. (Defaults to 0.01.)
  • Variables and formulas support decimals. Default is 3.
  • Refer to how the entered Tolerance and Decimal Places are used to assess if an answer is marked correct.
  • Valid Operators: + - * / ^ ! # ( )
  • You can use the following math functions: SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, ABS, EXP, SGN, SQRT, LOG10, and LN.
  • There are two built-in constants, PI(3.14...) and e(2.718...). Use them in your answer expression.
  • Variables and Formulas cannot have the same name.
  • See for the full set of valid math functions and operators.

Note: To edit with Rich Text Editor, click the hyperlink to open the full menu.

Click Extract Variables, Calculations, and Formulas from Question Text.

Click the Extract Variables, Calculations, and Formulas from Question Text button to create the variables and formulas.

Define ranges of variable values.

Change the Min, Max, and Decimal Places for all of the variables to define their ranges of valid values.

Enter the formula.

Enter the mathematical expression for each Formula, inserting the Variables where needed.

Add attachment. (Optional)

Click Add Attachments to browse for and select a file attachment if desired.

Assign to part. (Optional)

If you have multiple parts in your assessment, you may assign the question to a different part.

Assign to pool. (Optional)

If you have an existing question pool and would like to copy this question to the pool, select the pool name here.

Add feedback for correct answer and/or incorrect answer. (Optional)

Feedback is optional text available for the student to review after the particular question is graded. For numeric response questions, the feedback option is offered for correct and/or incorrect answers, if desired.

Note: To edit with the Rich Text Editor, click the hyperlink to open the full menu.

Click Save.

Click Save to save the question (or Cancel to exit).

How are the values for Tolerance and Decimal Places used in determining if a student’s answer is marked correct or incorrect?

Whether the tolerance is entered as a constant (the default value is “0.01”) or a percentage, note that the formula expression is first calculated and then rounded to the nearest decimal place allotted for that formula. (The default Decimal Places value is “3”.) Then if the tolerance is entered as a percentage (e.g., “1.5%”), the actual tolerance is calculated based on this rounded value (not the pre-rounded value). Then the student’s entered answer is subtracted from the rounded correct value. If the absolute value of that difference is less than or equal to the entered tolerance (if a constant) or actual tolerance calculated above (if a percentage), the student’s answer is marked as correct.

Keywords  sakai23   Doc ID138675
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-07-23 15:10:01Updated2024-08-24 07:29:10
SitesPacific Lutheran University
Feedback  0   0