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Sakai 23 - Login & User Accounts: What are guest accounts?


What are guest accounts?

Guest user accounts in Sakai are intended for persons who are neither students nor employees of PLU and who wish to participate in a Sakai course or project site. Registered students and employees of PLU access Sakai through PLU ePass accounts.)

The username for a guest account in Sakai is typically defined to be an existing non-PLU email address belonging to the owner of the guest account.

New guest user accounts for Sakai can be requested by PLU employees via the Request Guest Users form. Approved Sakai guest users will receive email instructions on how to initialize and secure their guest accounts.

Keywordssite management exception guests user sakai23   Doc ID137332
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-05-14 13:56:08Updated2024-08-24 07:28:38
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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