Topics Map > Getting Started with Technology
Topics Map > Software Guides > WeVideo
WeVideo: Information

Usage: Video editing
Available locations: Available online from any device at
Access: Free accounts available. Students with WeVideo assignments can reach out to, and will be granted temporary Pro feature access.
Help: Email
WeVideo is an online video editing software that can be used to easily create movies, films, and video projects. This tool has a large built-in repository of free media such as video clips, photos, and audio files. WeVideo can be used on any device including Chromebook and mobile devices.
An account is required to use WeVideo. Students who are assigned a WeVideo project may be given temporary access to a licensed account through their course. If you were assigned a WeVideo project, please wait for instructions from your instructor regarding account access. After the semester for the assignment has concluded, licensed WeVideo accounts will revert to the free version and all edits and exports will be maintained. Anyone can sign-up for a free WeVideo account.
To login to WeVideo after setting up an account, go to and use the Google sign-in option with your PLU account.
WeVideo Follow-Along Workshop:
CLASS FILES (Click Here!!!)
WeVideo Screen/Webcam/Audio Recording Quickstart Guide:
Guide Index

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