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Sakai 23 - Zoom Meetings: What is the Zoom Meetings tool?


What is the Zoom Meetings tool?

Zoom Meetings is an instance of an external tool in Sakai that is configured to integrate with Zoom’s LTI Pro application.

To access the tool, select Zoom Meetings from the Tool Menu in your site.

To access this tool, select Zoom Meetings from the Tool Menu in your site.

For the Zoom Meetings tool to be on the tool menu, an instructor must add the Zoom Meetings tool to the site.

Key Features

Scheduling Meetings for a Course

The Zoom Meetings tool can be deployed by instructors in a Sakai course site for scheduling web conferencing meetings that are relevant for a course and hosted through Zoom. The Zoom Meetings tool in Sakai enables instructors to schedule meetings without having to manually manage a distribution list of student email addresses in order to distribute or publish a Zoom meeting URLs (as would otherwise be needed via Google Calendar or Gmail). Nor does the instructor have to manually copy and paste a Zoom meeting URL elsewhere in Sakai or elsewhere for students to access. The student view of the Zoom Meetings tool serves as a designated location where students can join scheduled meetings for a particular course.

Recordings of Meetings

Note: For guidance on class recordings with respect to FERPA and Washington state law, please refer to the article, Web Conferencing: FERPA & Privacy.

If the instructor opts to record meetings in the cloud and assuming enough shared storage, Zoom Meetings will publish the cloud recordings to students automatically. This may take place after the recording has stopped and after Zoom has finished processing the recording.

Important: Because cloud recordings are stored in a location shared by the entire university, cloud recordings may only be available for a limited time. Instructors can still opt to record meetings locally and make such recordings available to students through other means. When an instructor makes a recording available, whether that recording was originally recorded locally or in the cloud, the recording can be downloaded by students to preserve it.

Attendance Reports

Instructors can also refer to attendance reports for previous meetings scheduled through the Zoom Meetings tool.

Keywords    Doc ID137873
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-06-12 11:23:33Updated2024-08-24 07:29:25
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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