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Edpuzzle: Creating Video Assignments

Edpuzzle, 2020. Full Guide: View/Download

Edpuzzle Assignments are videos that have been edited and annotated. Assignments can be assigned to Classes for students to complete.

Step 1: Add/Upload a Video to Edit

Video assignments can be created from an online video, such as on YouTube, or from a video directly uploaded to Edpuzzle. Be aware that if you use a YouTube video that was uploaded by someone else (it's not your video), it could disappear at any time. If the owner decides to delete their video on YouTube, your video Assignment in Edpuzzle won't work anymore. Also be aware that any videos uploaded directly to Edpuzzle will be viewable by other users and the privacy can't be restricted.

To create a video assignment from a YouTube video:
  1. Copy the URL of a YouTube video, as paste it into the Search content text field to the top-left. 

  2. Click the Search button or press enter. The video will open in the Editor.

To upload a video from the computer:
  1. Click Content to the top-right.
  2. Click My Content from the column to the left.
  3. Click the Add Content button to the right, and select the Upload a video option from the pop-up that appears.

  4. Click the Choose a file... button.
  5. Locate the desired video and click Open. The video will upload, and then open in the Editor.

Step 2: Edit

After a video has been uploaded/added, it will load in the Editor. The editing options detailed below will appear as tabs at the top of the page.

  • To rename a video assignment, enter a new name in the field to the top left of the Editor.
  • To edit a video assignment later, navigate to Content from the top-right and select My Content from the left. Click the video lesson then click Edit. Be aware that videos cant be edited after theyre assigned to a class.


If only a portion of the video is needed, use Cut to trim it out. 

To cut the video:
  1. Navigate to the Cut editing option (first tab).
  2. Click-and-drag the handles inward and outward to set the desired portion of the video. Video outside of the range set by the handles will be trimmed out.

  3. Double-check the selected range by playing the video.


Record new audio, such as a narration, which will replace the original audio. A microphone is required to use this editing option. Most laptops have a microphone built-in. 

To add a new Voiceover:
  1. Navigate to the Voiceover editing option (second tab).
  2. Move the playhead in the video player to the desired start time of the voiceover.
  3. Click the Start recording button and speak the desired voiceover. The red line in the video player indicates where the new voiceover is recording to. Voiceovers will replace the original audio of the video in that portion.
  4. When done, click Stop recording. The portion with the new voiceover will be highlighted in yellow, and an audio player with the recording will appear. Multiple voiceovers can be recorded.

To delete a recording, click the trashcan icon to the right of its audio player.


Add a Question or note at a moment time in the video. Questions will pause the video.

To add a Question:
  1. Navigate to the Questions editing option (third tab).
  2. Move the playhead in the video player to the desired moment for the question to appear.
  3. Select an option:
  • Multiple-choice: enter the question text into the field to the top, and answer text in the fields below. Set correct and incorrect choices with the checkmark/X to the left of the answer fields. To add more answer options, click Add Answer Choice. 
  • Open-ended: enter the question text into the field. Students will be able to reply in a separate text box.
  • Note: add an audio or text comment to the quiz. To create a text-based note, enter text into the field. To create an audio-based note, click the microphone button below the text box.

  • When done, click Save. The Question will be marked in the video player, and it will appear to the right of/below the video. Multiple Questions can be added.
  • To edit a question, click its marker in the video player and then click the pencil icon.

    To delete a Question, click its marker in the video player and then click the trashcan icon.

    Step 3: Finish & Assign

    When done editing a video assignment, click the Finish button to the top-right. The assignment will then need to be assigned to a class or shared in order for students to access it.

    To assign a video:
    1. Click Finish when done in the Editor, and then Assign to the right.
    2. Or, navigate to My Content to the top-right, select the video, and click Assign to the right.
    3. Select the desired options in the new window:
    • Assign to a class: select this option to record students responses for your review. Select the appropriate class from the list below, or click Add new class to quickly create a new one. Select the Start Date and Due Date to the right, if desired. Click Assign when done.

    • Public Links: select this option to get a link to the video assignment that anyone can access without an account. Video assignments shared in this way wont record responses. Copy the text in either the Public Link or Embed Code field, and paste it to share in the desired way (see Edpuzzle: Embedding Videos in Sakai for more details about adding Edpuzzle videos to Sakai).

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    Keywordsvideo, interactivity, distance learning, cut, crop, trim, question, comment, voiceover, narration   Doc ID101565
    OwnerJanelle B.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
    Created2020-04-29 12:37:24Updated2023-08-04 16:28:19
    SitesPacific Lutheran University
    Feedback  1   0