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Sakai 23 - Course Sites & Navigation: How do I reorder pinned sites in the site navigation?


How do I reorder pinned sites in the site navigation?

Select the View All Sites icon in the top navigation.

In the header area of the page, select the grid icon (View All Sites).

Note: Hidden sites will not display in the Sites drawer. You can access hidden sites from the Membership or Worksite Setup tools. You can also hide a site (such that it no longer appears in your Sites drawer) with the Preferences tool; however, hiding sites will not hide a site from other users.

Organizing Pinned.

To organize your pinned sites, select the Organize Pinned tab.

Drag and drop to reorder.

Click the triple bar icon in the leftmost part of the site items in order drag and drop the item to the desired position in the stack.

Reload to view current selections.

You will be prompted to Reload if you made any changes to your pinned site order.

Keywordsorganize rearrange reorder pinned sites   Doc ID137323
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-05-14 11:47:06Updated2024-08-24 07:28:00
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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