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Sakai 23 - Zoom Meetings: How do I make cloud recordings of meetings available to students?


How do I make cloud recordings of meetings available to students?

Note: For guidance on class recordings with respect to FERPA and Washington state law, please refer to the article, Web Conferencing: FERPA & Privacy.

Important: Cloud recordings may be only available for a limited amount of time.

As a convenience to both instructors and students, any cloud recording made during a meeting scheduled through Zoom Meetings, may be available to students after the recording stops and Zoom has had time to process the recording. (This also assumes there is enough space to store in the cloud recording in the shared storage.) After recordings are processed by Zoom, they will be automatically published to students through the student’s view of the Zoom Meetings tool in Sakai. 

This automated publishing process will occur if the cloud recording is scheduled to begin automatically or if the meeting host begins a cloud recording during the meeting. This automated publishing only pertains to meetings scheduled for the course through the Zoom Meetings tool in Sakai.

If instructors do not want recordings to be published automatically or would like recordings to be retained indefinitely, instructors can instead make local recordings. More details about this are in the article, How do I make local recordings of meetings available to students?

See also the article, How do I view cloud recordings for past meetings?

Keywords    Doc ID137887
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-06-12 12:49:35Updated2024-08-24 07:29:25
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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