Roster :: Sakai 23 - Roster

Sakai 23 - Roster

Index of help topics for the Roster tool.

Instructor Guide

For assistance with managing who is in the roster for a site, refer to the article, Getting Started with Sakai for Instructors, particularly the section on Roster Tasks.

Results: 1-6 of 6

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Sakai 23 - Roster1349872024-08-24147
2Sakai 23 - Roster: What is the Roster tool?1346782024-08-2455
3Sakai 23 - Roster: How do I view/search the roster?1346792024-08-2460
4Sakai 23 - Roster: How do I export the roster?1346802024-08-2466
5Sakai 23 - Roster: How do I view roster photos and/or profiles?1346812024-08-2465
6Sakai 23 - Roster: How do I edit Roster tool permissions?1346822024-08-2459

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