Results: 201-220 of 545

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
201Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I edit a rubric?1346862024-08-24101
202Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I copy a rubric?1346872024-08-24109
203Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I share a rubric?1346892024-08-24109
204Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I use a shared rubric for my course?1346902024-08-24116
205Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I export a rubric?1346912024-08-2471
206Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I add a rubric to an assignment?1346922024-08-24154
207Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I add a rubric to a discussion topic?1346932024-08-24120
208Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I grade an assignment using a rubric?1346962024-08-24178
209Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I add a rubric to a gradebook item?1346952024-08-24136
210Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I view student memberships?1347092024-08-2481
211Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I add teaching assistants to a section?1347082024-08-2493
212Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I add site members to a section?1347072024-08-2476
213Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I delete a section?1347062024-08-2488
214Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I edit a section?1347052024-08-2482
215Sakai 23 - Section Info: How do I create a section?1347042024-08-2492
216Sakai 23 - Section Info: What is the Section Info tool?1347022024-08-2483
217Sakai 23 - Section Info: How are sections different than groups?1347032024-08-2492
218Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I grade an assignment using a rubric in the legacy grading interface?1346972024-08-24151
219Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I grade a discussion topic using a rubric?1346982024-08-24119
220Sakai 23 - Rubrics: How do I view my rubric feedback as a student?1347012024-08-24156
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