Results: 101-120 of 220

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
101OBS: Setting Up Scenes942152023-08-041884
102OBS: Setting up Sources942162023-08-0410293
103OBS: Setting up Audio942172023-08-044287
104OBS: Recording942182023-08-042282
105Photoshop: Painting Brushes1061552023-08-042051
106Photoshop: Masking1061202023-08-041860
107Photoshop: Drawing Shapes1061562023-08-041992
108Photoshop: Using the Pen Tool (Custom Paths)1061582023-08-047252
109Photoshop: Adding Text1061902023-08-041916
110Photoshop: Selection Tools1061162023-08-043297
111Photoshop: Colors1061912023-08-046647
112InDesign: Information842462023-08-041692
113InDesign: Interface Overview993632023-08-048206
114InDesign: Creating a New Document993742023-08-041664
115InDesign: Working with Pages993762023-08-042054
116InDesign: Using Guides993802023-08-0411085
117InDesign: Layering & Object Arrangement994442023-08-042883
118InDesign: Text Wrap994522023-08-042159
119InDesign: Text on a Path or Shape994542023-08-0420961
120InDesign: Applying Gradients995812023-08-042356
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